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Spring Cleaning Sweatshirt Collection

Presbyterian Church of Okemos 2258 N Bennett Rd, Okemos, MI, United States

Please bring gently-used child and adult sized sweatshirts to the PCO toddler room from Sunday, March 16 through Sunday, March 30. We will be delivering the sweatshirts collected to the Love Clothing Center at Judson Memorial Baptist Church in Lansing the first week of April. If you have any questions, contact Jayne Zuhlke.

Worship Service – March 30, 2025

Presbyterian Church of Okemos 2258 N Bennett Rd, Okemos, MI, United States

Fourth Sunday of Lent Ordination and Installation of New Officers. (Wear your red!) Scriptures: Psalm 32: 1-5, 10-11 (CEB) & 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 (CEB) Sermon: Faith in the Wilderness: The Mystery and Ministry Reconciliation Pastor Lisa Schrott

Lenten Suppers 2025

Presbyterian Church of Okemos 2258 N Bennett Rd, Okemos, MI, United States

This year during Lent we will be "In the Wilderness" with Jesus. Our Thursday evening suppers and programs will include opportunities for us to share stories of discipleship, grace and forgiveness, and stories of thirsting for justice and mercy in the world. Could you help provide one of the meals by bringing soup, bread or...

UKirk Trivia Night at PCO

Presbyterian Church of Okemos 2258 N Bennett Rd, Okemos, MI, United States

Join us for UKirk’s biannual trivia night– a casual event and fundraiser that supports the ongoing ministry and mission of UKirk at Michigan State Presbyterian Campus Ministry. You are invited to form a team of 6 people to play team trivia. If you don’t have a complete team, you can sign up as an individual...

Lenten Suppers 2025

Presbyterian Church of Okemos 2258 N Bennett Rd, Okemos, MI, United States

This year during Lent we will be "In the Wilderness" with Jesus. Our Thursday evening suppers and programs will include opportunities for us to share stories of discipleship, grace and forgiveness, and stories of thirsting for justice and mercy in the world. Could you help provide one of the meals by bringing soup, bread or...

One Great Hour of Sharing Collection

Presbyterian Church of Okemos 2258 N Bennett Rd, Okemos, MI, United States

The One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) Offering will be received on Sunday, April 13. Each gift to OGHS supports efforts to relieve hunger through the Presbyterian Hunger Program, to promote development through the Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People, and to assist in areas of disaster through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. All three programs...