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Spring Cleaning Sweatshirt Collection

Presbyterian Church of Okemos 2258 N Bennett Rd, Okemos

Please bring gently-used child and adult sized sweatshirts to the PCO toddler room from Sunday, March 16 through Sunday, March 30. We will be delivering the sweatshirts collected to the...


Blanket Collection for Refugees

Presbyterian Church of Okemos 2258 N Bennett Rd, Okemos

PCO is collecting new and gently used blankets of all sizes (baby, throws and bed-sized) for our refugee communities. Please drop off any donations in the coatroom off of Fellowship...

Healthy Boundaries for the Whole Church

Presbyterian Church of Okemos 2258 N Bennett Rd, Okemos

What are boundaries and why are they important? Setting boundaries can feel like putting up a wall against others. Healthy boundaries free us to serve God and love one another...