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Chili Cook-off & Game Night

Presbyterian Church of Okemos 2258 N Bennett Rd, Okemos, MI, United States

Join our church family for a delicious & fun evening! We will enjoy a variety of chili dishes at 5:00 p.m. with games beginning around 5:45 p.m. What a great way to spend a beautiful Fall night! Sign up here on our website or on the sign-up sheet on the kiosk to bring chili, a...

Interfaith Gathering of Hope Prayers for Peace for the 2024 Election Season

The Peoples Church 200 W. Grand River Ave., East Lansing, MI, United States

We will gather as a community to share prayer and sacred words of hope as we pray for a peaceful election season. An offering will be collected to support local peacemaking activities. A reception will follow the service. Everyone is welcome so please invite your friends, family, and neighbors. This gathering is sponsored by the...

A Service of Scripture and Song – November 10, 2024

Presbyterian Church of Okemos 2258 N Bennett Rd, Okemos, MI, United States

25th Sunday after Pentecost Old Testament readings from the Psalms and the Prophets New Testament readings from the Gospels and the Epistles The service will also include traditional and contemporary hymns from Glory to God: the Presbyterian Hymnal. All are welcome. Please join us.

PCO Out on the Town -Annual Larzelere Lecture at The Peoples Church

The Peoples Church 200 W. Grand River Ave., East Lansing, MI, United States

Rev. Dr. William Yoo will be speaking at The Peoples Church annual Henry & Annabel Larzelere Memorial Lecture. His topic will be Striving and Struggling for a More Perfect Faith and a More Perfect Union: The Past, Present and Future of Racism and American Christianity. Dr. Yoo is an Associate Professor of American religious and...

Book Discussion with the Rev. Dr. William Yoo

Presbyterian Church of Okemos 2258 N Bennett Rd, Okemos, MI, United States

Dr. Yoo is an Associate Professor of American religious and cultural history at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia. His research involved examining the histories of racial injustice, settler colonialism, and slavery in the United States. He is the author of What Kind of Christianity? A History of Slavery and Anti-Black Racism in the Presbyterian...

Alternative Christmas Market

Presbyterian Church of Okemos 2258 N Bennett Rd, Okemos, MI, United States

Find a unique gift this holiday season while supporting fair-trade organizations and artisans from around the world. Peruse items from the following vendors: Hmong Crafts Hope Against Trafficking Better Way Designs Sak Saum Bags and Clothing Solar Circle Viva Fair Trade Peruvian Slippers Simbolei Academy Nativities Esperanza en Accione Crafts (Nicaragua) Cass Community Social Services...

Worship Service – November 17, 2024

Presbyterian Church of Okemos 2258 N Bennett Rd, Okemos, MI, United States

Reign of Christ celebrated Scriptures: 2 Samuel 23:1-5; Revelation 1:4b-8 Sermon: Grounded in Hope: Covenant Promises Fulfilled Pastor Lisa Schrott

A Night With MSU Chamber Music

Presbyterian Church of Okemos 2258 N Bennett Rd, Okemos, MI, United States

As part of his studies at Michigan State University, PCO Chancel Choir director Westin Sorrel will be directing a concert in the PCO Sanctuary. The event is free and open to the public.

Worship with Agape Meal – November 24, 2024

Presbyterian Church of Okemos 2258 N Bennett Rd, Okemos, MI, United States

Worship around the tables in the sanctuary as we share a simple meal together. The Worship and Music Committee is looking for assistance with setting up the Sanctuary on Wednesday, November 20. Set-up is expected to take 1 1/2 hours. They are also looking for people to provide the food and/or to clean up on...

Giving Tree in 2024

Presbyterian Church of Okemos 2258 N Bennett Rd, Okemos, MI, United States

The Giving Tree to support refugee families through St. Vincent's Catholic Charities is now up in the Fellowship Hall. If you wish to support refugee families, please take a tag, purchase the items listed on it, complete the back of the tag, and return it with the unwrapped gifts to the Giving Tree by Sunday,...

Poinsettia Sale 2024

Presbyterian Church of Okemos 2258 N Bennett Rd, Okemos, MI, United States

Please contribute to the poinsettia display for the Christmas season. The poinsettias are beautiful adornment to our sanctuary. They will be displayed from Friday, Dec. 13th through Dec. 24th. You are welcome to take any poinsettias after the Christmas Eve evening service, or donate them to shut ins. The cost is $20 each. Money will...

Worship Service – December 1, 2024

Presbyterian Church of Okemos 2258 N Bennett Rd, Okemos, MI, United States

First Sunday of Advent Scriptures: Isaiah 40:1-10; Luke 1:26-33 Sermon: From the Manger: Hungering for Hope Pastor Lisa Schrott