Keep PCO looking beautiful. Please plan to join us for any amount of time on Saturday, May 13 between 9:00 a.m. and 12 noon. We have a list of areas around the building that could use some attention. A sign-up sheet is in Fellowship Hall. Thank you for your help!
Join us for another fun PCO Out-on-the-Town Event For all ages! Sarah Workman, Kent Workman's niece, is a wide receiver and free safety on the Tidal Waves, the women’s professional tackle football team from Grand Rapids. The Tidal Waves are playing a League game against Lansing’s team, the Capital City Savages, on Saturday, May 13...
Using LivingWorks Start, participants will learn to recognize when someone is thinking about suicide and connect them to help and support. This training is open to anyone 14 years of age and older. Please contact Pastor Lisa with questions or to sign-up.
Parish Life's next Out on the Town event is scheduled for Sunday, June 4 at 3:00 p.m. We will be heading over to the Beaumont Tower at Michigan State University for a carillon concert and tour, led by Laurie Harkema. Laurie is one of the assistant carillonists at MSU.