Parish Life's next Out on the Town event is scheduled for Sunday, June 4 at 3:00 p.m. We will be heading over to the Beaumont Tower at Michigan State University for a carillon concert and tour, led by Laurie Harkema. Laurie is one of the assistant carillonists at MSU.
Scripture: Matthew 25: 34-40 Sermon: Beyond "Welcoming the Stranger" Dr. Melissa Borja, professor at U of M in Ann Arbor, is scheduled as guest speaker during PCO's worship service on Sunday, June 11. She will also be speaking during the Adult Education hour. Dr. Borja researches and teaches about religion, migration, race, ethnicity, and politics...
The PCO Parish Life Committee's next Out on the Town event is Meridian Township's Freedom Fest Honoring Juneteeth. "A Spiritual Historical Review" is scheduled for Sunday, June 18 at 2:00 p.m. at the Meridian Historical Village Chapel, 5151 Marsh Road in Okemos. Learn about the intersection of spirituality and Black excellence from Pastor Marvin Williams,...