Join us for our 11th year of Jazz Weekend. We're delighted to welcome the Diego Rivera Quintet. A world-class musician, composer, arranger and educator, Diego Rivera is no stranger to the area. He was raised right here in East Lansing, attended Michigan State University, and served as Associate Professor of Jazz Saxophone and Associate Director...
Sunday worship service with communion is at 10:00 am. Scripture: Mark 9:2-10 Sermon: The Difference Heaven Makes Rev. Dr. Rob Carlson Diego Rivera will be performing with the Arlene McDaniel Trio, and special guest Tiffany Gridiron. A pancake brunch courtesy of Parish Life will follow worship.
Please join us on Wednesday, February 14, 2024 to commemorate Ash Wednesday. Events are as follows: 8:30 - 9:00 a.m. Drive-through imposition of ashes. Pastor Lisa Schrott will be in the circular drive in front of the sanctuary. You may remain in your vehicle to receive the ashes and a brief prayer. 5:00 - 5:30...
Join us in Fellowship Hall for a Silent Auction of the Bowls made by PCO Youth (now until 12pm on March 3) Soup made by PCO Youth will also be served after worship, with all proceeds benefitting Greater Lansing Foodbank