Recognition of Christian Education Volunteers Commissioning of the Intergenerational Mission Team Scripture: John 4:7-30 Sermon: The Encounter Pastor Lisa Schrott & Rebecca Mattern
Parish Life's next Out on the Town event is scheduled for Sunday, June 9 at 3:00 p.m. We will be heading over to the Beaumont Tower at Michigan State University for a carillon concert and tour, led by Laurie Harkema. Laurie is one of the assistant carillonists at MSU. After the tour, we plan to...
With a vision for providing intergenerational opportunities, partnering between PCO Committees and with the community, sign up now for Intergenerational Mission Week! June 10-15, 2024 Work with our mission partners playing bingo, having breakfast with kids, working in community gardens and food pantries, serving meals, and more! The week is full of drop in experiences:...
We will have opportunities to celebrate our newest neighbors during World Refugee Awareness Week, including graduation ceremonies at PCO mission partner The Global Institute of Lansing. For other events you may want to attend, see the list below, and invite a friend to join you. Thursday, June 20: Peace Pole Unveiling from 12 noon 2:00...
We will have opportunities to celebrate our newest neighbors during World Refugee Awareness Week, including graduation ceremonies at PCO mission partner The Global Institute of Lansing. For other events you may want to attend, see the list below, and invite a friend to join you. Thursday, June 20: Peace Pole Unveiling from 12 noon 2:00...
We will have opportunities to celebrate our newest neighbors during World Refugee Awareness Week, including graduation ceremonies at PCO mission partner The Global Institute of Lansing. For other events you may want to attend, see the list below, and invite a friend to join you. Thursday, June 20: Peace Pole Unveiling from 12 noon 2:00...
We will have opportunities to celebrate our newest neighbors during World Refugee Awareness Week, including graduation ceremonies at PCO mission partner The Global Institute of Lansing. For other events you may want to attend, see the list below, and invite a friend to join you. Thursday, June 20: Peace Pole Unveiling from 12 noon 2:00...
We will have opportunities to celebrate our newest neighbors during World Refugee Awareness Week, including graduation ceremonies at PCO mission partner The Global Institute of Lansing. For other events you may want to attend, see the list below, and invite a friend to join you. Thursday, June 20: Peace Pole Unveiling from 12 noon 2:00...
We will have opportunities to celebrate our newest neighbors during World Refugee Awareness Week, including graduation ceremonies at PCO mission partner The Global Institute of Lansing. For other events you may want to attend, see the list below, and invite a friend to join you. Thursday, June 20: Peace Pole Unveiling from 12 noon 2:00...
We will have opportunities to celebrate our newest neighbors during World Refugee Awareness Week, including graduation ceremonies at PCO mission partner The Global Institute of Lansing. For other events you may want to attend, see the list below, and invite a friend to join you. Thursday, June 20: Peace Pole Unveiling from 12 noon 2:00...
We will have opportunities to celebrate our newest neighbors during World Refugee Awareness Week, including graduation ceremonies at PCO mission partner The Global Institute of Lansing. For other events you may want to attend, see the list below, and invite a friend to join you. Thursday, June 20: Peace Pole Unveiling from 12 noon 2:00...