Help low-income families buy produce.
Several years ago funding arose to give those who receive bridge cards (food stamps) assistance to purchase fresh produce. This type of food, while promoting greater health and better eating habits, is often more expensive, and more difficult to obtain. Funding was secured to make available fresh produce at literally half the regular price.
The Meridian Township Farmer’s market was very interested in offering this program to the community but had no way to administer it as the funding was for the food only and not the administration of it. John Duley among others led a group of volunteers from local area churches to provide this administrative help to make sure that our community was served.
The Presbyterian Church of Okemos has committed to provide volunteers on the first two Saturdays of the month this summer. We need volunteers at the market to record the sales in this program which will enable low-income families to buy fresh food at half price. The work requires a three (3) hour shift from 8-11:00, or 11 – 2:00; and consists of sitting at a table in the Township offices and recording these sales. It can be done by those of all ages and skills- all that is needed is time and a willingness to serve. Training is provided, and can be scheduled with a partner.
We need your help – this is a very rewarding personal experience and our clients are very appreciative.
Please complete the form to indicate your interest in helping with the bridge card service. Any questions please see Tom Schaberg.