At the 8-14-19 PCO Mission Committee meeting it was suggested that our congregation could help GIL students by donating school supplies for the 2019-2020 school year. Paula Franz, GIL Principal, was contacted to determine specific needs for school supplies. Here is her 8-22-19 reply:
Thank you for reaching out! Our school supply list isn’t very big, but a few things we need are:
Flash drives
Copy paper
Folders (two pocket with the 3 prongs in the middle)
Here is a link to our classroom wishlist on Amazon:
We have more than enough pens, pencils, and notebooks (I have them stockpiled right now) and we don’t need any binders (I actually just got rid of a bunch because no one wanted them and they were taking up too much space). We don’t use crayons or glue.
Thanks so much!!
Please consider the needs of GIL and donate as you are able. Thank you.