Hôpital Ste Croix, Léogâne, Haiti
On February 19 Rev. Alice Townley received an email from Dr. Jerry Veldman regarding violent protests occurring against the government in Haiti. These protests are affecting the delivery of health care in Haiti at the Hopital Ste Croix and thus Reverend Townley requested consideration for a donation from PCO to the Medical Benevolence Fund (MBF). Keith Camann contacted Pat Ferris of the Haiti Nursing Foundation (HNF) to confirm the need for an urgent donation. Pat had just returned from Haiti in the very recent past and confirmed the need. The PCO Mission Committee members were polled by email and have unanimously approved a donation of $500 to MBF. The interested reader can go to
for details about Haiti’s present political turmoil or to the MBF website mbf.org. (or google Haiti)