Our Vision

Guided by the Holy Spirit and looking to the future, at the Presbyterian Church of Okemos, we…

… open our doors wide in welcome, inviting all to join us in community, worship, service, and fellowship. We will continue to build a congregation where all people can feel accepted, encouraged, and embraced as beloved children of God.

… embark together on a life-long journey of faith formation. We will create opportunities for all ages to worship, study, serve, and make music alongside one another.

… know we can’t do it alone. We will partner with other faith groups and local organizations to pool resources, form community, and work together in service of God’s love and justice.

Our Mission Statement

As members of The Presbyterian Church of Okemos,
We believe that in life, in death, and life beyond death,
We belong to God.

The Church exists to invite everyone to join the lifelong journey of faith that is life in Jesus Christ.

Through Worship that glorifies God,
Study that seeks to understand God,
Service to a world that needs God,
We desire to build a network of caring relationships
Between families, friends, and strangers
By offering welcome, healing, justice and peace to all in the name of Jesus Christ.

Our Partners

These organizations have been affirmed by our Session as sharing in elements of our mission statement and we partner with them on matters of shared mission.

Presbytery of Lake Michigan

Presbytery of Lake Michigan

The PC(USA) is organized into regional associations known as mid-councils. We are in the Presbytery of Lake Michigan, which stretches from mid-Michigan to the western Michigan shores.

AFAR – All-Faith Alliance for Refugees

AFAR – All-Faith Alliance for Refugees

An alliance of congregations and support organizations working together to welcome refugees to the Greater Lansing area.

Interfaith Clergy Association of Greater Lansing

Interfaith Clergy Association of Greater Lansing

Association of faith leaders from various religious traditions who organize interfaith activities and services for the community.

Earth Care Congregations

Earth Care Congregations

Congregations committed to living out through worship, education, facilities, and outreach the ideal that the earth and all creation are God’s. God calls us to be careful, humble stewards of this earth, and to protect and restore it for its own sake, and for the future use and enjoyment of the human family.

Michigan Interfaith Power & Light (MI IPL)

Michigan Interfaith Power & Light (MI IPL)

MI IPL’s mission is to inspire and equip people of faith to exercise stewardship of and love for all Creation through the promotion of energy efficiency, renewable energy, and other sustainable practices that lead to a cleaner, healthier, and more just world.

The Covenant Network of Presbyterians

Covenant Network

The Covenant Network is committed to celebrating the gifts and extending authentic welcome to people of all gender identities and sexual orientations. It works for the full inclusion of LGBTQIA+ people in the life and leadership of the church.