The Giving Tree Advent Project
PCO is providing four refugee families with Christmas gifts. There are twenty children and eight adults. Gifts include items such as clothes, coats, boots, bedding, towels and hygiene items. Please consider participating by:
- Choosing gift tags from the giving tree in Fellowship Hall
- Sign the master list on the table next to the tree indicating which person and gift you are purchasing
- Bring the UNWRAPPED gifts back by DECEMBER 10
- Attach the TAG securely to the gift and include the RECEIPT
In addition, there will be a basket for the hygiene items. If all the tags are gone or in addition to a gift tag, members can purchase large, family sized items, such as shampoo, deodorant, laundry soap, toothpaste, body wash, bar soap, and feminine products and bring them also on Dec. 10.
Please plan to stay after church on December 10 for light refreshments provided by the Parish Life Committee. Thank you for participating in our church giving project!