Leadership Groups
The Session is the governing body of our congregation. It is composed of twelve ordained Ruling Elders and the two church pastors (Teaching Elders). Elders exercise leadership, government, spiritual discernment, and discipline and have responsibilities for the life of a congregation, as well as our interfaith partnerships. Ruling elders are elected for three-year terms. Each elder serves on one or more of our Standing Committees
Jennifer Gordon
Class of '27
Jack Harkema
Class of '28
Catherine Holdway
Class of '26
Kelly Locke
Class of '27
Gail Lytle Lira
Class of '27
Vickie Marcus
Class of '28
Siri Rainone
Class of '26
Tanya Stokes
Class of '28
Ewen Todd
Class of '26
Patty Wilson
Class of '28
Kent Workman
Class of '27
Board of Deacons
The ministry of the deacon as set forth in scripture is one of compassion, witness and service. The Board of Deacon members serve three-year terms assisting the pastors in congregational care with a focus on visitations, meals for those in difficult circumstances, sanctuary flower delivery, cards and special occasion greetings, and funeral/memorial service receptions.
To contact the Moderator of the Deacons, use the Deacon Contact Form.
Michele Arbour
Class of '26
Bob Boldrey
Class of '26
Sue Cobbett
Class of '26
Sean Clarke
Class of '27
Linda Cravotta
Class of '27
Barbara Fretwell-Cooke
Class of '27
Joel Major
Class of '26
Rich Martin
Class of '28
Christine Meland
Class of '28
Carolyn Sherrill
Class of '28
Jill Tribell
Class of '28
Gary VanKempen
Class of '28
Standing Committees
Nominating Commitee – Gail Lytle Lira
The nominating committee identifies and recruits members of the congregation to serve on standing committees of the Church. Four elders and four deacons are elected by the congregation at the annual meeting.
Bob Boldrey
Barbara Dorr
Gail Lytle Lira
Deb Major
Christine Meland
Siri Rainone
Tom Schaberg
Endowment Committee – Bruce Timmons
The Presbyterian Church of Okemos Endowment Fund oversees investments and how the income is used by the church for special projects.
Lance Boldrey
Class of '27
Jeff Conroy-Krutz
Class of '28
Nancy Frank
Class of '25
Jerri Gillett
Class of '26
Barbara Given
Class of '27
David Horner
Class of '28
Mickey Martin
Class of '26
Jane Paterson
Class of '28
Bruce Timmons
Class of '25
The Administration Committee supports financial and property-related activities for the church and use of the facility by outside groups. This is accomplished by church volunteers and, as needed, outside contractors.
Christian Education (Children and Youth) – Catherine Holdway
Christian education activities are offered for children 3 years of age through high school. We begin with simple Bible stories for preschool children and progress through interpreting scriptures. We focus on putting faith into action.
Christian Education (Adults) – Ewen Todd
The Adult Christian Education Committee organizes learning opportunities for adults in our congregation. We include Bible study, contemplation, current events, book discussions, interfaith dialogues, and outside speakers throughout the year.
Communication and Engagement
The Communication and Engagement Committee reaches out to visitors, new members. We update our website and facebook pages, and Twitter account and supervised our listserve and livestream via You Tube.
Mission – Kent Workman
PCO’s Mission Committee seeks to extend the love and compassion of the congregation to our local community as well as any place in the world where people suffer. The committee works closely with local and international programs and offers many areas where members of the congregation can be involved.
Parish Life – Jennifer Gordon
The Parish Life Committee is a vital part of our church family. It builds a network of caring relationships between friends, and families by hosting events central to the spiritual life of our church community.
The Personnel Committee fosters a healthy working environment for Church employees. Members, together with paid staff, set and assess goals and encourage their professional growth and development.
Stewardship – Patty Wilson
The stewardship committee engages the congregation toward contributing their time talent and treasure towards carrying out Gods calling by serving the needs of our Church, our Community, and the world at large. We communicate with the congregation, visitors, and new members the work of the church through annual Impact Budgets.
Worship and Music
The Worship & Music Committee works with staff and our congregation to plan and organize worship services on Sundays and other important days in the church calendar. We coordinate Communion, greeters, ushers, and flowers for services and our chancel and bell choirs, to fill our sanctuary with music during worship.